Last Updated: 2023.12.15

At Autoclicker App, we prioritize the privacy and security of your personal data. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, sharing, and protection of your personal information when you engage with our mobile application "Autoclicker App".

1. Information Collection

Usage of the Autoclicker App may result in the collection of the following types of information:

2. Utilization of Collected Information

The collected data may be used for:

3. Sharing and Disclosure of Information

Your personal data is safeguarded with us and not sold to third parties. Nonetheless, information sharing may occur under certain conditions:

4. Data Security

To protect your personal data, we implement various security strategies, including encryption, firewall deployment, secure communication protocols, among others. While we strive for maximum security, the inherent nature of the internet means absolute security cannot be guaranteed.

5. Children's Privacy

The Autoclicker App does not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 13. Upon identification of such data collection, immediate action will be taken to eliminate the information from our records.

6. Privacy Policy Updates